====== Test Acontis Stack ====== ===== Run demo application classB ===== {{:embedded_systems:ethercat:ec-master_classb.pdf|EC-Master_ClassB.pdf}} 2.4.1 cd /Bin/Linux/x64 sudo ./EcMasterDemoEval -f /ein.xml -i8254x 1 1 -perf **Syntax**: * **-f** Use given ENI file * **-i8254x** Use LinkLayer "//emllI8254x Intel Pro/1000//" for "//Intel Pro/1000 network adapter cards//". You may have a different LinkLayer depending on your [[embedded_systems:ethercat:choose_linux_master|hardware]] * **1** Instance nr. May be 2 if you have multiple Ethernet ports. * **1** * Mode 0 = Interrupt mode * Mode 1 = Polling mode * **-perf** enables performance measurements (Enable max. and average time measurement in μs for all EtherCAT jobs) More detailed explanation {{:embedded_systems:ethercat:ec-master_classb.pdf|EC-Master_ClassB.pdf}} 2.4.2 This demo will initialize the EtherCAT master. To stop the demo press ''CTRL+C'' The demo will output some performance benchmark. In the following example the maximal "Cycle Time" is 1005.2usec. This means, the max jitter is 5.2usec (very good) Full command line: -f "../../../../eni/06_ENI_2Elmo_1000ms.xml"-i8254x 1 1 -perf 000002 : Run demo now with cycle time 1000 usec 000002 : Using AuxClock 000002 : Calibrate tsc measurement... done: 3392 MHz===== Software ===== 003003 : ========================== 003003 : Initialize EtherCAT Master 003003 : ========================== 003003 : EC-Master V2.9.1.06 (Protected) for Linux_x64 Copyright acontis technologies GmbH @ 2016 003003 : OsGetLinkLayerRegFunc: try to load '/home/ubuntu/etherCAT/EC-Master-V2.9-Linux_x64-Eval/Bin/Linux/x64/libemllI8254x.so' 003004 : PCI: device 00:19.0 found 007178 : Unlicensed version, stop sending ethernet frames after 60 minutes! 007178 : EtherCAT network adapter MAC: 90-B1-1C-8C-C5-C1 007178 : ===================== 007178 : Start EtherCAT Master 007178 : ===================== 007218 : Bus scan successful - 2 slaves found===== Software ===== 007223 : Master state changed from to 007257 : Master state changed from to 011985 : DCM in sync Cur=" -10370", Avg=" -774", Max=" -21742" 012038 : Cyclic command WKC error on LRW - Address: 0x10000000 - WKC act/set=2/6 012038 : Master state changed from to 012080 : Master state changed from to 012080 : 012080 : Job times during startup to : 012080 : ================================================================ 012080 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_ProcessAllRxFrames' (avg/max) [usec]: 1.6/ 5.7 012080 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAllCycFrames ' (avg/max) [usec]: 5.4/ 8.5 012080 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_MasterTimer ' (avg/max) [usec]: 1.3/ 10.9 012080 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAcycFrames ' (avg/max===== Software =====) [usec]: 2.4/ 15.7===== Software ===== 012080 : PerfMsmt 'Cycle Time ' (avg/max) [usec]: 1000.0/1005.0 012080 : PerfMsmt 'myAppWorkPd ' (avg/max) [usec]: 0.0/ 0.4 012080 : ^C034306 : 1 identical messages skipped 034306 : Job times before shutdown 034306 : ================================================================ 034306 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_ProcessAllRxFrames' (avg/max) [usec]: 1.7/ 3.8 034306 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAllCycFrames ' (avg/max) [usec]: 5.5/ 8.0 034306 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_MasterTimer ' (avg/max) [usec]: 1.3/ 2.8 034306 : PerfMsmt 'JOB_SendAcycFrames ' (avg/max) [usec]: 3.7/ 6.5 034306 : PerfMsmt 'Cycle Time ' (avg/max) [usec]: 999.9/1005.2 034306 : PerfMsmt 'myAppWorkPd ' (avg/max) [usec]: 0.0/ 0.3 034306 : ======================== 034306 : Shutdown EtherCAT Master 034306 : ======================== 034318 : Master state changed from to 035384 : EcMasterDemo stop.===== Software ===== If the output looks similar to the example above, then the demo runs successfully. ==== Possible problems ==== See troubleshooting process [[embedded_systems:ethercat:troubleshooting:application_does_not_start|The application does not start]] ===== Run demo application classA ===== Before you run this demo make sure, you can run the classB demo successfully. cd /Bin/Linux/x64 sudo ./EcMasterDemoDc -f /ein.xml -i8254x 1 1 -perf The demo will output the maximal cycle time every second. You can terminate the demo with ''CTRL+C''. ==== Possible problems ==== See troubleshooting process [[embedded_systems:ethercat:troubleshooting:application_does_not_start|The application does not start]]