
ecmasterlib and EtherCATInterface


The „ecmasterlib“ and „EtherCATInterface“ offer a relative easy way to use EtherCAT with EEROS or in standalone project.


Please make sure that you have previously installed the EtherCAT stack software and EEROS beforehand. Install EEROS as described in this tutorial, but use the command line option -DUSE_ETHERCAT=TRUE when calling cmake.

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/absolute/path/to/working/directory/install-x86-64 -DUSE_ETHERCAT=TRUE ..

Install ecmasterlib

Once the EtherCAT stack has been installed and the demo application is running, the ecmasterlib can be installed.

$ cd path/to/working/directory
$ git clone
$ cd ecmasterlib
$ mkdir externalLib
$ cp ''<classB_path>''/SDK/LIB/Linux/x64/libAtemRasSrv.a externalLib
$ cp ''<classB_path>''/SDK/LIB/Linux/x64/libEcMaster.a externalLib
$ mkdir build-x86-64
$ cd build-x86-64
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/absolute/path/to/working/directory/install-x86-64 ..
$ make
$ make install

Install EtherCATInterfaceElmo

$ cd path/to/working/directory
$ git clone
$ cd EtherCATInterfaceElmo
$ mkdir build-x86-64
$ cd build-x86-64
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/absolute/path/to/working/directory/install-x86-64 ..
$ make
$ make install


The „ecmasterlib“ provides a callback function (void callbackFct(…)) which is called by the Acontis stack once per EtherCAT cycle. This method:

The receive and send buffers of „ecmasterlib“ are byte arrays (uint8_t* inBuffer; uint8_t* outBuffer;) which are the same size as the PDOs.

The „ecmasterlib“ also provides a condition variable (std::condition_variable cv;) to synchronize the user application (i.e. EEROS).

When an „ecmasterlib“ object is created, an instance (monotonic) is created. The stack is started in the same way as in the „EcMasterDemoDC“ of Acontis.



The components EtherCATInterfaceElmo_config, getDrivesBlock and setDrivesBlock need to be adjusted whenever you change the variables, which are transmitted via PDOs (periodic sent/received messages by the EtherCAT bus). These components must also be adapted when creating a new EEROS application.


  1. Study produced ENI file carefully (use XML viewer). Under <config><processimage><inputs> and <outputs> you find bitsize and offset of all transmitted values.
  2. Adjust headerfile accordingly, negative offset values indicate that the entry is not going to be used.
  3. Make necessary adaptions in getDrivesBlock and setDrivesBlock.


Class Hierarchy