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Launching is done in two steps. The first step starts launching with three different options, while the second step comprises the the actual launcher.

  1. Step
    • Eclipse Launcher: In Eclipse it possible to define run configurations and perform a run. This event is handled by the launcher.
    • Standalone Launcher: The launcher can be started by command line.
    • Test Launcher: The launcher is started directly by running as a regular application. This can be handy for debug purposes, see below.
  2. Step
    • deep Launcher: This is the actual launcher. Important methods are buildAll(…), downloadTargetImage(…) and startTarget(…).

What is done when Building?

  1. Parse and load configuration
  2. Classfile reader: loads all necessary classes, read Bytecode and build object directory
  3. Initialize Linker and code generator
  4. Create type descriptor for arrays
  5. Create type descriptor for interfaces (interfaces which need a type descriptor only)
  6. Loop One: For all regular classes
    • Prepare constant block (per class)
    • Create CFG (per method)
    • Create SSA (per method)
    • Create machine code (per method)
    • Calculate necessary memory size
  7. Linker: put together system table
  8. Linker: fix memory map
  9. Calculate absolute addresses for arrays
  10. Calculate absolute addresses for interfaces
  11. Loop Two: For all regular classes
    • Calculate absolute addresses
  12. Linker: create constant table
  13. Loop Three: For all regular classes
    • Constant block, enter absolute addresses
    • Code generator: do fixup (per method)
  14. Linker: complemend system table with information about class addresses
  15. Linker: create target image (per segment)


The TestLauncher is a helper class to start building projects directly from the eclipse development workspace without loading the deep plugin in the first place. The TestLauncher has to be adapted in a way that that the desired actions will be taken. One has to enter the correct path and name of the project file and choose a programmer or none.

public class TestLauncher {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Launcher.buildAll("/PATH/TO/YOUR/PROJECT/ExampleProject.deep", "BootFromRam");
    if (ErrorReporter.reporter.nofErrors == 0) {
      Programmer programmer = Configuration.getProgrammer();
      if (programmer != null) {
        java.lang.Class<?> cls;
        try {
          cls = java.lang.Class.forName(programmer.getClassName().toString());
          java.lang.reflect.Method m;
          m = cls.getDeclaredMethod("getInstance");
          TargetConnection tc = (TargetConnection) m.invoke(cls);
	} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
	  ErrorReporter.reporter.error(811, programmer.getClassName().toString());
	} catch (Exception e) {
      } else System.out.println("no programmer defined");

The TestLauncher is started as a normal Java application.

Standalone Launcher

In the package ch.ntb.inf.deep.launcher there is also a standalone launcher. It can be started from the command line and accepts the project file together with a configuration as parameters.

Running and Debugging the Development Workspace

In order to test the eclipse development workspace you can start the workspace as eclipse application. For this purpose a nee directory has to be chosen as new workspace under Run ConfigurationMainWorkspace DataLocation.
As arguments for the VM standard settings can be used. If an error like java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space occurs more space for eclipse has to be added. This is achieved by adding the argument -XX:MaxPermSize=512m. If the heap size is too small it can be enlarged with the argument -Xmx.
Important: If the application is startet with Debug-As instead of Run-As then hot code replacement works for most changes.
In the eclipse instance all plugins under development - namely deep - can be used. A new deep project can be created. In this project you can implement any new application which you specify as root class in the deep project file. You have to modify the build path of the project so that the classes of the runtime system can be found. With Add External Class Folder you have to add the bin directory of the runtime system. Of course you could also use a test class from the runtime system as root class.
If you debug an application and want the source lookup wo work properly you have to enter the src directory of the runtime system in build path → LibrariesSource Attachment.
If one of the root classes is a class from again another library like junitTarget you must add the bin directory of this library. Here again you may want to setup the source attachment correctly.