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software:deep:ide:create_project [2012-12-08 13:30] grafsoftware:deep:ide:create_project [Unbekanntes Datum] (aktuell) – gelöscht - Externe Bearbeitung (Unbekanntes Datum)
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-====== Create and manage deep projects ====== 
-When creating new projects all the necessary settings will be written automatically in the appropriate deep-file. This file can also be manually edited to change project settings or to add more library files.  
-meta { 
- version = "2012-07-04"; 
- description = "Example project file"; 
-project ExampleProjectMpc555 { 
-# libpath = "../bsp"; 
- libpath = "C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/lib/rt.jar","../bsp"; 
- boardtype = ntbMpc555HB; 
- ostype = ntbMpc555STS; 
- programmertype = ntbMpc555UsbBdi; 
- rootclasses = "ch/ntb/inf/deep/runtime/mpc555/test/BlinkerApplication"; 
-# rootclasses = "ch/ntb/inf/deep/runtime/mpc555/driver/ffs/FileTransfer"; 
-# imgfile = "out/exampleProject.bin" 
-# imgformat = bin; 
-# tctfile = "tct/targetCommands.dtct"; 
-The library path must be carefully set up. It can consist of several strings. For each path the directory //bin// is added to the path. At this resulting location the configuration files and the class files must be found. \\ 
-It is possible as well to choose a jar-file as library path.\\ 
-If several paths and /or jar-files are given the search order for any given class file is in the order of the given paths.