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When creating new projects all the necessary settings will be written automatically in a configuration file (PROJECTNAME.deep
in the root folder of the project). This file can also be manually edited to change project settings or to add more library files.
A typical deep project file looks like this:
#deep-1 meta { version = "Sun May 26 16:05:42 CEST 2013"; description = "deep project file for Test1"; } project Test1 { libpath = "I:\deep\lib"; boardtype = ntbMpc555HB; ostype = ntbSTS; programmertype = ntbMpc555UsbBdi; # enter names of rootclasses, e.g. # rootclasses = "test.MyFirstTestClass","other.MySecondTestClass"; rootclasses = "test.TestClass1"; }
All lines starting with # are comments. Also the first line which is optional, it only helps the system to choose the right parser for the file.
The meta paragraph contains only some informations about the file, but remind, that both assignments are necessary. More interesting is the second paragraph project, which contains all informations about the deep-Project.
The library path must be carefully set up. It can consist of several strings. For each path the directory bin is added to the path. At this resulting location the configuration files and the class files must be found.
It is possible as well to choose a jar-file as library path.
If several paths and/or jar-files are given, the search order for any given class file is in the order of the given paths.
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Boards currently available:
The Programmer declaration is optional, if no programmer is given, deep will not automatically download the image to the target board. You can generate an image file by setting imgfile.
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At least one rootclass must be specified. If several rootclasses are used the list must be comma separated.
Opening the deep perspective (Window → Open Perspective) gives you a set of views appropriate for deep development. It also enables the deep project creation wizard.
Instead of editing the deep project file manually the settings can be altered by choosing Project → Properties. Alternatively you can press the right mouse button on the project name in the package explorer:
All the run configurations of all projects in a workspace can be edited with Properties - > Run/Debug Settings.
With Run/Debug setting you can choose which run configuration of the chosen board you want to run. All the available run configuration (must be defined in the board description file) are listed. One of them can be chosen.
Refactoring is a very powerful tool in the eclipse framework. You can rename a deep project by choosing a project in the package explorer and pressing Shift+Alt+R. The project together with its associated deep project file will be renamed.