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Download program into flash memory
First option: customize run-configuration
In pulldown menu of the Run button select
„Run Configurations…“.
In the following window choose desired configuration on the left side.
On the right side set selecttion to
„Boot from flash“.
Store with „Apply“.
„Run“ compiles for the flash, downloads and runs the application.
If you wish to switch back to RAM, set the selection back to „Boot from ram“.
Second option: add second run-configuration
If there is no run configuration yet or if you want to create a new one so as not to change an existing one do the following.
In pulldown menu of the Run button select
„Run Configurations…“.
In the following window right click on the left side on
„Deep Application“ → New
Choose a name for the configuration.
The Browse… button opens the dialog to choose the deep project file.
Enter the first letter of the file in the top field.
All hits will display in the middle field.

Mark the desired file and press „OK“.
Set selection to
„Boot from flash“.
„Apply“ stores configuration.
„Run“ compiles for the flash, downloads and runs the application.