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software:deep:ide:eclipse_serialout [2013-07-25 15:38] zueger1software:deep:ide:eclipse_serialout [Unbekanntes Datum] (aktuell) – gelöscht - Externe Bearbeitung (Unbekanntes Datum)
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-====== Using serial out (System.out) ====== 
-The mpc555 offers two independent serial interfaces with RS232 Protocol, SCI1 and SCI2. The SCI1 is connected through the BDI-Interfaceprint ([[embedded_systems:mpc555:usb-bdi|USB Background Debugging Interface (USB-BDI)]]) to the host where it will be visible as a virtual com port.  
-The SCI2 can be connected with a standard serial cable (DB9 connector). 
-  - In your application on the target you have to initialize the serial communication interface with the desired settings and assign the standard pipes (in, out, error) to this port. 
-<code java> 
-import java.io.PrintStream; 
-import ch.ntb.inf.deep.runtime.mpc555.driver.SCI1; 
-public class HelloWorld { 
- static { 
- // 1) Initialize SCI1 (9600 8N1) 
- SCI1.start(9600, SCI1.NO_PARITY, (short)8); 
- // 2) Use SCI1 for stdout 
- System.out = new PrintStream(SCI1.out); 
- // 3) Say hello to the world 
- System.out.println("Hello, world"); 
- } 
-  - On the host you have to determine which port number your operating system has assigned to the port 
-  - Open any terminal program, such as //putty//, //Hyperterminal// or //realterm//. Configure the port setting similar to the target setting and open the connection. 
-  - Alternatively, in eclipse you can use the terminal view. Open View Dialog under //Window → Show View → Other// 
-In the category //Terminal// mark //Terminal// and  confirm with //OK//. \\ {{software:eclipse:viewchooser.png?200&direct}} \\  
-Under //Connection Type// select //Serial// and choose settings according to the settings of the SCI on the target. \\ {{software:eclipse:connectiontype.png?200&direct}} 
-  - In order to use the terminal in eclipse you have to install the appropriate plugin, see [[software:eclipse:eclipse_serial_terminal|Eclipse Serial Terminal]]. If you use our eclipse distribution this plugin is already included.