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Create deep projekt (Hello World for MPC555)

  1. Start eclipse, choose a workspace and open the deep perspective.
  2. FileNew → select Project…, Deep → select Deep Project.
  3. Target Library: ✔ use default library path
  4. Target Configuration:
    1. Select a board: NTB MPC555 Headerboard
    2. Select a programmer: NTB MPC555 USB-BDI
    3. Select a operating System: NTB Simple tasking system
    4. If you like to have an image file, you can select the corresponding checkbox. This option is not necessary if you use the NTB MPC555 USB-BDI to download to the target.
  5. Project name:
    1. Choose any project name (no spaces, no „umlauts“)
    2. ✔ use default location
  6. Finish creates the project
  7. The empty project will show on the left side in the package explorer.
  8. By right-clicking on the source folder (src) in the package explorer choose NewPackage and add package name ch.ntb.stud.yourName.helloworld.
  9. By right-clicking on the newly created package choose NewClass and enter class name HelloWorld.
  10. Open class and enter source code:
    package ch.ntb.stud.yourName.helloworld;
    import java.io.PrintStream;
    import ch.ntb.inf.deep.runtime.mpc555.driver.SCI1;
    public class HelloWorld {
    	static {
    		// 1) Initialize SCI1 (9600 8N1)
    		SCI1.start(9600, SCI1.NO_PARITY, (short)8);
    		// 2) Use SCI1 for stdout
    		System.out = new PrintStream(SCI1.out);
    		// 3) Say hello to the world
    		System.out.println("Hello, world");
  11. Open project file: HelloWorld.deep
  12. Add the newly created class to rootclasses. It should then look like this:
    project {
    	meta {
    		version = "Mon Jan 05 12:40:12 CET 2015";
    		description = "deep project file for HelloWorld";
    	project HelloWorld {
    		libpath = "I:\deep\lib";
    		boardtype = ntbMpc555HB;
    		ostype = ntbSTS;
    		programmertype = ntbMpc555UsbBdi;
    	#	enter names of rootclasses, e.g.
    	#	rootclasses = "test.MyFirstTestClass","other.MySecondTestClass";
    		rootclasses = "ch.ntb.stud.yourName.helloworld.HelloWorld";
    	#	imgfile = "M:\Workspace\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.bin";
    	#	imgformat = BIN;
  13. Connect hardware to PC and power on.
  14. Open View Dialog under Window → Show View → Other….
  15. In the category Terminal mark Terminal and confirm with OK.
  16. Under Connection Type select Serial and choose settings according to the settings of the SCI on the target from paragraph 9 above. Check the port number with your operating system.
  17. Mark project file „HelloWorld.deep“, either by right-clicking Run As → Deep Application

    or with pulldown menu of the run-button Run As → Deep Application

    will the programm be compiled, linked and downloaded.
  18. The USB Log shows Hello, World.
  19. With run.jpg you can recompile and rerun the programm.