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software:deep:installation:ubuntu [2014-01-06 14:28] zueger1software:deep:installation:ubuntu [Unbekanntes Datum] (aktuell) – gelöscht - Externe Bearbeitung (Unbekanntes Datum)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== deep Installation under Ubuntu Linux ====== 
-===== Install necessary tools ===== 
-  - Open Software Center 
-  - Install the Oracle JDK: 
-  - Install //Eclipse IDE for Java Developers//: 
-    -  
-  - If you want to use the [[:Embedded Systems:MPC555:start]] with the [[:Embedded Systems:MPC555:USB-BDI]]), you need to install the necessary drivers: 
-    - TODO 
-===== Install the deep plugin ===== 
-  - Start the Eclipse IDE 
-  - Open the plugin installation dialog: //Help// -> //Install New Software...// 
-  - Add a new plugin source: //Add...// -> //Name:// ''NTB Plugins'', //Location:// ''http://www.ntb.ch/inf/eclipse_plugins/'' -> OK 
-  - Add the plugin by checking: //deep Plugin for Eclipse// (''ch.ntb.inf.deep'') from category "NTB" 
-===== Install the deep target library ===== 
-  - Download the ZIP-archive from the [[software:deep:start#download | deep site]] on the NTB Infoportal. 
-  - Unpack it to ''/opt/deep/trglib'' or any other location you want 
-  - Change the default library path in the Eclipse Plugin: 
-    - Start Eclipse 
-    - Open //Window// -> //Preferences// -> //Deep Preferences// 
-    - Click //Browse..// and navigate to the folder were you've unpacked the archive. 
-===== Test your installation ===== 
-  - Test your installation by creating a hello world project: 
-    - [[..:IDE:First Project (MPC555) | for the MPC555]] 
-    - [[..:IDE:First Project (MPC5200) | for the MPC5200]]