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deep Installation under Ubuntu Linux

Install necessary tools

IMPORTANT Supported Versions

To install deep you need at least Windows XP. For Windows 7 64-bit you have to install the 64-bit version of Eclipse and the JDK!
  1. Install Java Development Kit:
    1. Download the JDK from the Oracle website
    2. Install it by using the setup assistant
  2. Install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers:
    1. Get the newest version of Eclipse for Java Developers
    2. Unzip it into C:\Program Files\eclipse resp. C:\Programme\eclipse
  3. If you want to use the MPC555 with the USB-BDI), you need to install the necessary drivers:
    1. Install it by using the setup assistant. The selection of the suitable drivers is done automatically (32/64 bit).

Install the deep plugin

  1. Start the Eclipse IDE (eclipse.exe)
  2. Open the plugin installation dialog: HelpInstall New Software…
  3. Add a new plugin source: Add…Name: NTB Plugins, Location: http://www.ntb.ch/inf/eclipse_plugins/ → OK
  4. Add the plugin by checking: deep Plugin for Eclipse (ch.ntb.inf.deep) from category „NTB“

Install the deep target library

  1. Download the ZIP-archive from the deep site on the NTB Infoportal.
  2. Unpack it to C:\Programm Data\deep\trglib or any other location
  3. Change the default library path in the Eclipse Plugin:
    1. Start Eclipse
    2. Open WindowPreferencesDeep Preferences
    3. Click Browse.. and navigate to the folder were you've unpacked the archive.

Test your installation

  1. Test your installation by creating a hello world project:

  1. Install necessary Software from the Ubuntu Software Repository:
    1. Java Development Kit: openjdk-6-jdk
    2. Eclipse: eclipse
    3. Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT): eclipse-jdt
    4. libusb: libusb-1.0
  2. Install additional Software:
    1. Download the Java-Wrapper for libusb (libusbJava) from the project website: FIXME
    2. Install the Package by double clicking
  3. Install the deep Eclipse plugin
    1. Start Eclipse
    2. Open plugin installation dialog: HelpInstall New Software…
    3. Add source: Add…Name: NTB Plugins, Location: http://www.ntb.ch/inf/eclipse_plugins/ → ok
    4. Add plugin: ch.ntb.inf.deep