Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!
deep Installation under Ubuntu Linux
Open Software Center
Install the Oracle JDK

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 
If you want to use the
MPC555 with the
USB-BDI), you need to install the necessary drivers:
Install the deep plugin
Start the Eclipse IDE
Open the plugin installation dialog: Help → Install New Software…
Add the plugin by checking: deep Plugin for Eclipse (ch.ntb.inf.deep
) from category „NTB“
Install the deep target library
Download the ZIP-archive from the
deep site on the NTB Infoportal.
Unpack it to /opt/deep/trglib
or any other location you want
Change the default library path in the Eclipse Plugin:
Start Eclipse
Open Window → Preferences → Deep Preferences
Click Browse.. and navigate to the folder were you've unpacked the archive.
Test your installation
Test your installation by creating a hello world project: