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The mpc555 is very rich in built-in peripheral modules. In order to facilitate the use of those modules there exist a lot of software drivers. In the following sections there are short descriptions of drivers available. Details about a specific driver and its use can be found here.
The mpc555 offers several general purpose I/O-ports. Most of the pins including TPU pins, analog input pins and the pins for the serial communication interface can be config-ured for I/O operation if not used for their specific purpose. However, there are 16 pins in the MIOS-Module which serve solely for digital I/O. These 16 pins are controlled in the sub module MPIOSM. They are designated MPIOBx on the expansion connector. Pins 13 and 14 are not in logical order due to layout restrictions. Each of the pins can be easily programmed for input or output operation (see class Mpiosm_DIO). If more than 16 pins are needed, a TPU pin can work as a digital I/O pin (see TPU_DIO). This gives another 32 I/O pins. Another possibility for more digital I/O are the pins of the ADC. Instead of using these ports with 32 pins in total as analogue inputs you can configure them for digital operation (see ADC_DIO). Pins for PWM generation also offer digital I/O's (MPWMSM_DIO) as well as pins for serial communication (QSMCM_DIO).
This peripheral interface offers among many other things 8 pulse with modulated outputs (MPWMSM_PWM).
The mpc555 offers two independent SCI interfaces. The necessary bus converters for RS232 voltage level are already incorporated on the microcontroller board. An easy to use interface is offered by SCI1 for the first and SCI2 for the second serial communication interface. An Input or OutputStream can be connected to any of those channels. The System.out stream can be put on this connections as follows.
// 1) Initialize SCI2 (9600 Bd, 8N1) SCI2.start(9600, SCI2.NO_PARITY, (short)8); // 2) Use SCI2 for stdout System.out = new PrintStream(SCI2.out); // 3) Redirect stderr to stdout (optional) System.err = System.out;
We offer a dedicated driver BlueRS for the Stollmann BlueRS+I Bluetooth module which directly connects to the SCI2.