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Exceptions and Errors

Java offers exception and errors. Errors are thrown by the virtual machine and we do not currently use them as we have no vm at all.
Exceptions can be devided into checked and unchecked exceptions. Checked exceptions must be caught by a calling method, which is ensured by the Java compiler. Unchecked exceptions, such as ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or NullPointerException, must be caught when initializing classes or when calling thread or task methods. Of course, you are free to catch such unchecked methods in your code already.

Exception Handling

Auf dem Eval-Board (Carrier Board) befindet sich eine einzige freie LED am Gpio_Wkup_7. Diese kann in einer Applikation frei verwendet werden. Sie dient aber auch dazu, Fehlerzustände anzuzeigen.

blinking pattern state comment
1x kurz im Sekundentakt Code wurde fehlerhaft geladen FCS error in kernel
1x once Exception thrown in command Unchecked exception caught in Task.loop
2x once Exception thrown in command Unchecked exception caught in Kernel.loop
3x once Exception thrown in action method of task command Unchecked exception caught in Task.loop
5x kurz im Sekundentakt Exception thrown Unchecked exception caught in kernel
1x kurz, dann 2x kurz im Sekundentakt Machine Check Exception Busfehler
1x kurz, dann 3x kurz im Sekundentakt System Call sc-Instruktion
1x kurz, dann 4x kurz im Sekundentakt Floating Point Unavailable Exception FPU switched off