Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*      USB-BDI Used for programming and debugging a MPC555 over USB
00002  * 
00003  *  Copyright 2005 NTB Interstate University of Applied Sciences of Technology Buchs
00004  *
00005  *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00006  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00007  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00008  *  (at your option) any later version.
00009  *
00010  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00014  */
00024 #include "usbpdi_common.h"
00025 #include "usbpdi_main.h"
00026 #include "delay.h"
00027 #include "TP3465regs.h"
00030 volatile __bit exceptionOnTimeout;
00032 volatile unsigned char exceptionCount;
00034 unsigned short outBufIndex;     //
00036 unsigned short inBufIndex;      //
00045 void initTP3465(){
00046         // init TP3465
00047         PD = 0xFF;              // set all CS pins to inputs
00048         SKP = 0x00;             // set SK polarity to normal mode
00049         MWM = 0xFF;             // set 16 bit operation
00050         SKR = 0x02;             // inten = 0, soi = 0, ms = 0, div = 0x2 (12Mhz/4=3Mhz)
00051 }
00058 void initBDI(){
00059         // disable (reset) timeouts
00060         exceptionOnTimeout = FALSE;
00061         // configure end points
00062         EP2CFG = bmVALID | bmBULK | bmDOUBLEBUF;        // 512 double bulk OUT
00063         SYNCDELAY;
00064         EP6CFG = bmVALID | bmBULK | bmDOUBLEBUF | bmIN; // 512 double bulk IN
00065         SYNCDELAY;
00067         // reset FIFOs
00068         FIFORESET = bmNAKALL;
00069         SYNCDELAY;
00070         FIFORESET = 2;
00071         SYNCDELAY;
00072         FIFORESET = 6;
00073         SYNCDELAY;
00075         // since the fifos are double buffered we must write dummy byte counts twice
00076         // NOTE: ONLY write 0x80, other values don't work!
00077         // This is wrong in the TRM!
00078         EP2BCL = 0x80;                                  // arm EP2OUT by writing byte count w/skip. Endpoint 2 Byte Count Low Registers
00079         SYNCDELAY;
00080         EP2BCL = 0x80;
00081         SYNCDELAY;
00082 }
00087 void exceptionOnTimeoutOn(){
00088         exceptionCount = 0;
00089         exceptionOnTimeout = TRUE;
00090 }
00095 void exceptionOnTimeoutOff(){
00096         exceptionOnTimeout = FALSE;
00097 }
00102 void BDI_get_freeze(){
00103         usbInBuffer[inBufIndex + PACKET_DATA_OFFSET] = FREEZE;
00104 }
00112 void sendPacket(unsigned short dataLength){
00113         EP6BCH = MSB(dataLength + PACKET_MIN_LENGTH);
00114         SYNCDELAY;
00115         EP6BCL = LSB(dataLength + PACKET_MIN_LENGTH);  // arm EP6IN
00116         SYNCDELAY;
00117         inBufIndex = 0; // reset inBufIndex
00118 }
00123 void handelBDIPackages(){
00124         __bit finished;
00126         unsigned short length, outBufferCount;//, uart0OutBufferLen, i;
00127         // if there is new data in EP2FIFOBUF and EP6IN is not full then process data
00128         if(!(EP2468STAT & bmEP2EMPTY)){ // if true packages from host are available
00129                 if(!(EP2468STAT & bmEP6FULL)){ //Tests if Endpoint 6 Buffer is not full if true = data can be sent to Host
00130                         outBufferCount = (EP2BCH << 8) + EP2BCL;        // get length of data that are send from the host
00131                         outBufIndex = 0;                                                        // reset outBufIndex
00132                         finished = FALSE;
00133                         // process data
00134                         while (!finished) {
00135                         // check header bytes
00136                                 if ((usbOutBuffer[outBufIndex] == PACKET_HEADER)) {     // Test if the rigth header code was sent if not send a error
00137                                         length = usbOutBuffer[outBufIndex + 3] * 0x100 + usbOutBuffer[outBufIndex + 4];
00138                                         if (usbOutBuffer[outBufIndex + 5 + length] == PACKET_END) {     // success test if the right length was found
00139                                                 dispatch(length);
00140                                                 outBufIndex += length + PACKET_MIN_LENGTH;
00141                                                 if (outBufIndex >= outBufferCount) { //Test if all packages were worked thru else do loop again
00142                                                         finished = TRUE;
00143                                                 }
00144                                         } else {        // fail send error msg
00145                                                 initPacket(MTYPE_ERROR, STYPE_ERROR_PACKET_END, 0);
00146                                                 // send packet
00147                                                 sendPacket(0);
00148                                                 finished = TRUE;
00149                                         }
00150                                 } else { // fail send a error msg
00151                                         initPacket(MTYPE_ERROR, STYPE_ERROR_HEADER, 0);
00152                                         // send packet
00153                                         sendPacket(0);
00154                                         finished = TRUE;
00155                                 }
00156                         }
00157                         // rearm for new packet
00158                         EP2BCL = 0x80;                  // re(arm) EP2OUT
00159                         SYNCDELAY;
00160                 }
00161         }
00162 }
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