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software:deep:rts:drivers [2011-06-20 17:33] grafsoftware:deep:rts:drivers [Unbekanntes Datum] (aktuell) – gelöscht - Externe Bearbeitung (Unbekanntes Datum)
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-====== Device Drivers ====== 
-The mpc555 is very rich in built-in peripheral modules. In order to facilitate the use of those modules there exist a lot of software drivers. In the following sections there are short descriptions of drivers available. Details about a specific driver and its use can be found [[http://www.ntb.ch/infoportal/javadoc/deep/trglib|here]]. 
-===== Digital I/O’s ===== 
-The mpc555 offers several general purpose I/O-ports. Most of the pins including TPU pins, analog input pins and the pins for the serial communication interface can be config-ured for I/O operation if not used for their specific purpose. However, there are 16 pins in the MIOS-Module which serve solely for digital I/O. These 16 pins are controlled in the sub module MPIOSM. 
-They are designated MPIOBx on the expansion connector. Pins 13 and 14 are not in logical order due to layout restrictions.  
-Each of the pins can be easily programmed for input or output operation (see class **Mpiosm_DIO**). If more than 16 pins are needed, a TPU pin can work as a digital I/O pin (see **TPU_DIO**). This gives another 32 I/O pins. Another possibility for more digital I/O are the pins of the ADC. Instead of using these ports with 32 pins in total as analogue inputs you can configure them for digital operation (see **ADC_DIO**). 
-Pins for PWM generation also offer digital I/O's (**MPWMSM_DIO**) as well as pins for serial communication (**QSMCM_DIO**). 
-===== Multiple Input/Output System ===== 
-This peripheral interface offers among many other things 8 pulse with modulated outputs (**MPWMSM_PWM**).  
-===== Serial Communication Interface (SCI, RS232) ===== 
-The mpc555 offers two independent SCI interfaces. The necessary bus converters for RS232 voltage level are already incorporated on the microcontroller board. An easy to use interface is offered by **SCI1** for the first and **SCI2** for the second serial communication interface. An Input or OutputStream can be connected to any of those channels. The System.out stream can be put on this connections as follows. 
-<code java> 
-  // 1) Initialize SCI2 (9600 Bd, 8N1) 
-  SCI2.start(9600, SCI2.NO_PARITY, (short)8); 
-  // 2) Use SCI2 for stdout 
-  System.out = new PrintStream(SCI2.out); 
-  // 3) Redirect stderr to stdout (optional) 
-  System.err = System.out; 
-We offer a dedicated driver **BlueRS** for the Stollmann BlueRS+I Bluetooth module which directly connects to the SCI2.  