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software:linux:images:start [2023-07-07 14:45] Urs Grafsoftware:linux:images:start [2023-07-07 15:20] Urs Graf
Zeile 23: Zeile 23:
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-=== Flashing a .wic image === +===== Extracting ===== 
-Linux script example for ''.wic'' image flashing onto an external storage device, e.g. an external SD card (<color #ed1c24>Beware: ''sdb'' has to be replaced with the correct device (use ''lsblk'' command to discover the correct device)!</color>): \\+The images for [[ ..:yocto:bblue ]] and [[ ..:yocto:x86-rt ]] are provided in ''gzipped'' and need to be decompressed using ''gunzip'' before use: 
 +gunzip ost-image-*.wic.gz 
 +</code> Note that ''gunzip'' will remove the original ''.wic.gz'' file and only the ''.wic'' file will be available after. ''gzip'' and ''gunzip'' should come preinstalled on most distributions, otherwise search for the ''gzip'' package in your distro's repositories. 
 +Images for [[ ..:yocto:cb20 ]] are provided as *Tezi*.tar file. You have to unpack it before it is recognized by the easy installer.  
 +tar -xvf *Tezi*.tar 
 +===== Flashing onto a SD Card or USB Stick ==== 
 +Linux script example for ''.wic'' image flashing onto an external storage device, e.g. an external SD card<color #ed1c24>Beware: ''sdb'' has to be replaced with the correct device. Use ''lsblk'' command to discover the correct device!</color>. ''sdX'' where ''X'' is a small letter starting from ''a'' usually represents a SATA or USB drive, names starting with ''nvme'' represent NVME SSDs and SD cards usually start with ''mmcblk''
 +These names represent the device as found in ''/dev'', so ''sda'' is found under ''/dev/sda''. ''lsblk'' uses a tree to show devices and their partitions. For example ''sda1'' is the first partition on ''sda'' and ''nvme1n1p1'' is the first partition of ''nvme1n1''
 <code> <code>
 #!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh