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Building a New Image

Images are built using the yocto project.

The build process is based on this toradex guide .

Setting up the build environment

The build environment needs to be set up accorinsing to the toradex guide .

Adding the NTB layers

The NTB specific recipes are maintained in the meta-ntb layer.

change into the layers directory:

cd ../layers

clone the meta-ntb repository:

git clone https://github.com/zechenturm/meta-ntb

change back to the build directory and add the layers to conf/bblayers.conf:

cd ../build
nano conf/bblayers.conf

${TOPDIR}/../layers/meta-ntb/meta-ntb \
${TOPDIR}/../layers/meta-ntb/meta-ntb-toradex \


Add the following to conf/local.conf

MACHINE = "cb20"


Production Image:

bitbake ntb-prod-image

Development Image:

bitbake ntb-dev-image

Building the SDK

To build the SDK for an image append -c populate_sdk to the bitbake build command.

For example, to build the SDK for the NTB dev image ntb-dev-image run bitbake ntb-dev-image -c populate_sdk

For more information check the Toradex guide .