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Yocto SDKs

General information about Yocto SDKs

Yocto SDKs for Toradex projects

Building the SDK

To build the SDK for an image, append -c populate_sdk to the bitbake build command.

For example, to build the SDK for the ntb-dev-image run bitbake ntb-dev-image -c populate_sdk. The built SDK is located at <myWorkspace>/build/deploy/sdk/.

For more information check the Linux SDKs page on the Toradex knowledge base.

Install the SDK

The SDK is installed by executing the shell script in the sdk folder. If it should be installed on a different computer, the whole sdk folder must be copied and executed on the targeted computer.

The shell script is asking for the location to install the SDK. The default is suitable for the most of the use cases.

Once it is installed, the installation folder (for example /opt/tdx-x11/2.6.4/) contains another shell script with name environment-setup-<xyz>. This script can be sourced so all needed path variables are set on the current shell session. This means the script sets all variables so a following make execution will use the compiler and libraries of the SDK. The script is sourced by the point operator (there must be a space following the point!) as shown by the example below.

. /opt/tdx-x11/2.6.4/environment-setup-armv7at2hf-neon-tdx-linux-gnueabi

For more information check the Linux SDKs - SDK Installation page on the Toradex knowledge base.