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Build Natively

This is the simplest but also least useful way to build packages for yocto. By default, there is no toolchain installed in the image.

To add the toolchain to an image, append tools-sdk to CORE_IMAGE_INSTALL.

CORE_IMAGE_INSTALL_append  = " tools-sdk"

Note that this will significantly increase image size and build time.

Cross Development SDK

run this command to generate a cross development SDK:

bitbake <image name> -c poulate_sdk
# for example:
bitbake ntb-prod-image -c pouplate_sdk

This will generate a toolchain with a sysroot containing all header/libraries/… included in the image. By default the SDK is in build/tmp/deploy/sdk/.

Buildig the SDK will generate a few files. The most important one being a .sh script that is used to isntall the SDK.

Additional Information