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Image Download

Using Images

See here

x86 & Beaglebone Blue

The images that are currently available for the bblue and x86-rt can be downloaded from the meta-ost Gitlab package registry


Hardware Overview Image Cross Development SDK Yocto Extensible SDK
cb20 Development Version for cb20 Board ntb-dev-image-cb20-1.0.tar.xz ntb-dev-image-cb20-1.0_sdk.tar.xz
cb20 Development Version for cb20 Board ntb-dev-image-cb20-1.1.tar.xz ntb-dev-image-cb20-1.0_sdk.tar.xz
cb20 Development Version for cb20 Board ost-dev-image-cb20-2021.05.05.tar.xz ost-dev-image-cb20-2021.05.05-sdk.tar.xz ost-dev-image-cb20-2021.05.05-esdk.tar.xz

Images can also be fetched directly over Toradex Easy Installer. Add the following feed:


BeagleBone (Legacy)

Hardware Overview Image Cross Development SDK
Beaglebone Blue development image for beaglebone blue ost-ros-dev-image-bblue-2021.03.24.tar.xz ost-ros-dev-image-bblue-2021.03.24-sdk.tar.xz
Beaglebone Blue development image for beaglebone blue ost-ros-dev-image-bblue-2021.04.06.tar.xz ost-ros-dev-image-bblue-2021.04.06-sdk.tar.xz
Beaglebone Blue development image for beaglebone blue ost-ros-dev-image-bblue-2021.08.06-sdk.xz

Flashing a .wic image

Linux script example for .wic image flashing onto an external storage device, e.g. an external SD card (Beware: sdb has to be replaced with the correct device (use lsblk command to discover the correct device)!):

umount /dev/sdb*
wipefs -a /dev/sdb
dd if=ost-ros-image-melodic-bblue.wic of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress
eject /dev/sdb

x86 (Legacy)

Hardware Overview Image Cross Development SDK
x86 Development Version for generic x86 based platforms ntb-dev-image-x86-rt.hddimg ntb-dev-image-x86-rt-sdk.tar.xz