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Linux Images


x86 & Beaglebone Blue

The images that are currently available for the bblue and x86-rt can be downloaded from the meta-ost Gitlab package registry.

Please note, that these images are built for development, see Development vs Production. For production images you have to built it with a full yocto installation, see Setup and Building or use the eSDK, see SDK's.


Hardware Overview Image Cross Development SDK Yocto Extensible SDK
cb20 Development Version for cb20 Board ntb-dev-image-cb20-1.0.tar.xz ntb-dev-image-cb20-1.0_sdk.tar.xz
cb20 Development Version for cb20 Board ntb-dev-image-cb20-1.1.tar.xz ntb-dev-image-cb20-1.0_sdk.tar.xz
cb20 Development Version for cb20 Board ost-dev-image-cb20-2021.05.05.tar.xz ost-dev-image-cb20-2021.05.05-sdk.tar.xz ost-dev-image-cb20-2021.05.05-esdk.tar.xz

Images can also be fetched directly over Toradex Easy Installer. Add the following feed:


Flashing a .wic image

Linux script example for .wic image flashing onto an external storage device, e.g. an external SD card (Beware: sdb has to be replaced with the correct device (use lsblk command to discover the correct device)!):

umount /dev/sdb*
wipefs -a /dev/sdb
dd if=ost-ros-image-melodic-bblue.wic of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress
eject /dev/sdb

Extracting the archives

Gitlab Images

The images are provided in gzipped and need to be decompressed using gunzip before use:

gunzip ost-image-*.wic.gz

Note that gunzip will remove the original .wic.gz file and only the .wic file will be available after. gzip and gunzip should come preinstalled on most distributions, otherwise search for the gzip package in your distro's repositories.

The SDK can be downloaded directly from Gitlab and do not need to be extracted any further.

Legacy Images / SDK

Images and SDKs in the tar.xz format can be extracted using the 'tar' command.

tar -vxJf <filename>

For example, to extract the Beaglebone Blue SDK provided below, use the following command in your Downloads folder:

tar -vxJf ntb-dev-image-2020.02.21-sdk.tar.xz

Using the Images


The process for installing images is dependent on the target hardware. Hence, see section „Installing Images“ in

Hardware Installation instructions
CB20 cb20
BBBlue bblue
CX2020 x86-rt
C6930 x86-rt
generic x86 x86-rt

Creating Custom Images

Custom Images can be built by folliwing the getting started guide up to and including „Building an Image“.

Creating Archives

This step is optional and only needed if the images need to be in the same format as the images provided on the downloads page

The following command can be used to create tar.xz archives like provided above:

tar -C <path to target> -cvhJf ntb-dev-image-2020.02.21.tar.xz <target file/folder>

For example:

tar -C tmp/deploy/images/ -cvhJf ntb-dev-image-2020.02.21.tar.xz bblue

ntb-dev-image-1.0-rc0.tar.xz now contains a directory called bblue (since bblue was a folder originally) and all its content. If one was to use tar -C tmp/deploy -cJf ntb-dev-image-2020.02.21.tar.xz images/bblue, the archive would contain an images folder with bblue inside it.